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Certified Mentor

Mindset Trainer

Joyful Heart Mastery

The Creators Mindset

Mentoring at Home

Tammie resides in Northern Virginia with her husband and six children. She loves to travel all over the world; having adventures, being in nature, tasting exotic food and meeting new people.


Tammie has a deep love for people. This love motivates her to walk with her mentees on their journey of discovering who they are and how they want to show up and experience this world.


While a former participant in the Joyful Heart Mastery experience, Tammie rose above the many difficult situations in which she had been  fully immersed. As the Lord led her to and then through the Joyful Heart Mastery experience; she was able to uproot betrayal trauma, depression, anxiety, and fear of abandonment. As she became full of gratitude, she was elevated above her circumstances and endowed with truth and light. This transformation of heart allowed her to overcome the effects of PTSD, generational trauma, codependency, the trials of being a caretaker, and financial hardships. Tammie testifies of the tools taught to her through this inspired program and of the healing joy she experienced as Christ along with her mentor walked beside her in her journey in Joy.


Tammie’s desire is to mentor those the Lord leads to her through their heartfelt pleas for healing and joy. She joyfully anticipates and resonates with the healing effect awaiting you at the end of your joyful heart experience. Tammie testifies of the efficacy of the tools that were taught to her through this inspired program. Trusting in her mentor’s loving guidance Tammie experienced healing as she connected with Christ on her Journey in Joy. Tammie knows by the end of this course all will realize it is not the end of their joy journey, it is actually the beginning of a new path of obtaining, protecting and co-creating joy with Christ. She knows this because she has experienced it. She is ready to hold space for others to rise up and lay claim on the desires of their heart.

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