What Would I Love to Feel?

  Have you heard people say, “Make it a good day!” That’s a really nice thought I’m not the only one in my day that plays into whether or not it ends up good. Oh, I’d love to send out all my plans and make everyone execute them to perfection so that my day is a good one. BUT... I don’t have the power to make anyone do anything. And so, I am kind of at the mercy of everyone else. Circumstances beyond my control, situations I didn’t expect, and the moods of others play into my ability to “have [...]

What Would I Love to Feel?2022-08-29T16:20:41-06:00

Staying Out of God’s Way

I found this on my notes app. I don't remember writing it. But it struck a chord with me today. What do you do when you feel like there is nothing you can do? Pray, lean into surrender, and breathe. If I stay calm the answer will come. If I'm busy doing just so I can say I did something, I may be in God's way. What do you do when there is something you can do and it’s terrifying? Pray for power. Take a deep breath and walk forward with God's hand in yours to steady you. You can’t [...]

Staying Out of God’s Way2022-08-29T16:33:36-06:00

The Master’s Arms

I felt this last night. I felt held in the Master’s arms. Earlier in the evening fear started to creep in. I read something and immediately started to project what all this means. What life looks like in 6 months or a year a year from now. It was all negative. It was like a tentacle reached out of the screen and was trying to grab my heart in order to suck me deep into the vibration of panic and despair. I not only put my phone down, I placed it screen down. It helped but it was not enough. [...]

The Master’s Arms2022-08-29T16:45:29-06:00

Vulnerability in Connection

Joy comes from connection. Connection to self. Connection to God. Connection to others. Connection comes from vulnerability. As a child I learned the rules to keep safe in a dysfunctional family system. Don’t talk, don’t trust, don’t feel, don’t share. In me these rules bred disconnection, pain, anxiety, fear, isolation, and numbness. Not joy. In those days I defined happiness as an absence of turmoil. I had no idea it was an actual emotion that could be felt and enjoyed. As a young adult I learned that these family rules were destructive to my wellbeing. It was terrifying and so [...]

Vulnerability in Connection2022-08-29T16:19:52-06:00


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